
Soy Canada’s Chair asks, “Where is Agriculture in Election 2019?”

Posted on: October 1, 2019

With only three weeks remaining in the federal election campaign Soy Canada’s Chair is asking in an open letter, “Where is Agriculture?”.

Produced only in southwestern Ontario as recently as the 1970s, research and innovation have supported a progressive province-by-province march of soybeans across the nation. Currently grown in all nine provinces from Nova Scotia to British Columbia, soybeans have been Canada’s third most valuable field crop for six consecutive years. In 2018, soybeans accounted for a record $3 billion of farm cash receipts.

Soy Canada is the national organization that speaks on behalf of the soybean value chain. Members include: seed developers; producer organizations representing some 31,000 soybean growers in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta; soybean processors; exporters of processing

and identity preserved soybeans; and affiliated industries and institutions. The soybean value chain contributes $7 billion annually to Canada’s Gross Domestic Product.


For additional information contact:

Ernie Sirski

Chair, Board of Directors, Soy Canada


Andrew Jones

Director of Corporate Affairs, Soy Canada
