Food Grade Variety Database
Quality Attributes
Ontario | Quebec | Manitoba
Hilum Colour
Imperfect Yellow
Seed Size (g/100 seeds)
Variety information included in the database has been provided by the Ontario Soybean and Canola Committee (OSACC). For more information on OSACC please visit
For more information on growing regions please click here.
1 % of dry matter basis. To convert from composition on a dry matter basis to composition at 13% moisture, multiply the value by 0.87
2 stachyose and raffinose
3 includes all soluble sugars
4 includes soluble and non-soluble sugars
5 the sum of genistein, daidzein and glycitein aglycone equivalents
6 parts per million (equivalent to mg/kg or µg/g)
Any reproduction of these reports must include at least an entire table or graph. Requests for reproduction must be made to Soy Canada at
Copyright/Permission to Reproduce
Materials in this Publication were produced and/or compiled by Soy Canada and the Ontario Soybean And Canola Committee for the purpose of providing end users with direct access to information on soybean varieties. The material in this publication is covered by the provisions of the Copyright Act and by Canadian laws and regulations. Such provisions serve to identify the information source and, in specific instances, to prohibit reproduction of materials in part or whole without written permission from Soy Canada.
This information on this web site is provided as a public service. While Soy Canada and the Ontario Soybean And Canola Committee have taken all reasonable steps to ensure that all the information is accurate, it cannot guarantee its accuracy and accepts no liability or responsibility for any loss, damage or expense incurred or arising from any decisions made by using or relying on the information on this web site.