Producers | 29,626 (number of farms reporting soybeans in 2021 Census) | |
Seeded Area | 5.63 million acres (2023) Typically fourth largest among principal field crops |
Current Production | 6.98 MMT (2023) | |
Growth | 30% increase in production (2013-2023) | |
Distribution of Production Among Provinces (2023) | Ontario: 58% of total production Quebec: 18% of total production Manitoba: 22% of total production Maritimes: 1% of total production |
Average Yield | 45.9 bushels/acres (2023) | |
Farm Cash Receipts | CDN$ 4.25 billion (2022) Typically third largest among principal field crops |
Crushings | 1.76 MMT (2023) | |
Oil Produced | 330,000 MT (2023) | |
Meal Produced | 1.37 MMT (2023) | |
Total Volume | 4.4 MMT (2023) 50-70% of production exported annually |
Meal | 323,000 MT (2023) | |
Oil | 140,000 MT (2023) | |
Value | CDN$ 4.1 billion (2023) | |
TOP 5 MARKETS (2023) | Percentage of volume of total exports | |
China | CDN$ 1,120 billion / 1.5 MMT | 34.7% |
Iran | CDN$ 424 million / 477,000 MT | 13.5% |
Algeria | CDN$ 276 million / 398,000 MT | 9.0% |
Japan | CDN$ 366 million / 328,000 MT | 7.4% |
Indonesia | CDN$ 209 million / 266,000 MT | 6.0% |
IMPORTS (2023) | ||
Soybeans | 434,000 MT/year | |
Meal | 1.1 MMT/year | |
Oil | 223,000 MT/year |